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Top 10 Ways to Make Better and Healthier Coffee

1) Grind the Beans fresh – For the freshest organic coffee possible, grind whole beans immediately before brewing. I just got a bag of Burlap and Bean Coffee at our local Whole Foods. It has a date roasted on it. It was the most amazing cup of coffee I made at home! If you can find a local coffee roasted, you can get your beans freshly roasted delivered to you. If you are in NYC area, you can try Brooklyn Roasting Company. Counter Culture Coffee will deliver anywhere in USA and its freshly roasted. I am also a big fan of Marley Coffee (especially the Lively Up! Espresso).

The Lively Up! Espresso go really well with my favorite Gluten Free, Organic, Non-GMO Legume Pasta

2) Use a Mesh Grinder – The best coffee mills grind coffee in one chamber until the grinds are small enough to flow through a variable-sized mesh into another container. This ensures uniform size.

3) Try a Ceramic Kettle - To test your kettle, boil water, let it cool, and then drink a glass. If it tastes tinny, chances are your kettle is contributing unpleasant flavors to your coffee. A ceramic kettle is best, but make sure to get one that whistles or you will eventually hear the sound of expensive ceramic cracking. Avoid products made in China.

Try some Healthy recipes below with your cup of Joe:

4) Filter the Water - Coffee is only as pure as the water it is brewed with. Distilled or reverse osmosis water is ideal. Sink water is not an option though many restaurants use just that.

Is Decaf Safe?

5) Use a French Press – Course-ground coffee is directly mixed with very hot (versus boiling) water in a glass beaker where it steeps for about 4 minutes. A plunger with a fine screen mesh, built into the lid, is used to move the grinds to the bottom. The canister then serves as a coffee pitcher. The main drawback with a French press has been difficulty keeping the coffee warm, but insulated French presses are now available.  The fine coffee dust that settles in the cup should be avoided as it is mildly carcinogenic due to the roasting process. As with all brewing methods, after 20 minutes the coffee grounds become acidic and should be discarded. Coffee grounds make great fertilizer for the garden as they provide nitrogen.
You can also use a pour over method. See link below

6) Choose Evaporated Cane Juice - The best sweetener is raw sugar. While some feel that stevia does not lend itself to coffee, real agave nectar is a great sugar substitute.

7) Buy Organic Cream – Perhaps the biggest key to the purity of your coffee is the cream, which is preferred by many people to offset the bitterness of black coffee.

8) Opt for Real Silverwear - If you can, choose an actual silver spoon which is naturally antibacterial. In the old days a silver dollar was kept in the water barrel to keep it free of pathogens. Silver mechanically purifies water without breeding “super” bugs.

9) Find the Right Cup - As with wine glasses, the right size coffee cup is essential and impacts flavor. The cup radius determines what parts of the tongue the liquid hits first. In the super-sized world of today, the original coffee cup is a dying breed, but it was the ideal size, shape and material for coffee.

10) Alternate with Tea - To get the most enjoyment from your coffee it helps to take a break now and then (less is more). A great alternative to coffee is to periodically switch to Yerba Mate tea.Yerba Mate contains less caffeine and tastes great with stevia. Since decaffeinated coffee is often produced using solvents and/or still contains trace amounts of caffeine, it is not recommended. 


  1. Great tips! I always use a french press to brew my coffee at home but we use a machine in the office. Another tip I would suggest is to always use milk and ditch the store-bought creamer (which is made of vegetable oil). It's will probably taste better if you use whole milk, and your body will thank you for it.


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