SLEEP - What it is; How do we get it?!
All of us know what sleep is and we know how it feels; however, while much progress has been made by sleep scientists, the essential nature of sleep still remains unknown.
Approximately 60 million Americans suffer each year from some form of sleep deprivation. While research continues, sleep still remains one of the body's most mysterious processes. We do know that sleep is absolutely necessary for survival. The lack of sleep for millions of people worldwide is not only a major medical concern, but a major big business. Even occasional sleeping problems can make daily life feel more stressful or cause you to be less productive. Sleep loss affects growth hormone secretion that is linked to obesity and impairs the body's ability to use insulin, which can lead to the onset of diabetes.
To help achieve a good night's sleep the more natural way, numerous tips have been cited in almost every form of advertisement available. Although you have probably tried many of them, one of the following tips might just be the one that will help you get a healthier, more natural night's rest.
At the end of the study, researchers found that participants had significantly improved sleep efficiency, total sleep time, total wake time, sleep onset, and wake time after sleep onset.
The solutions below are intended for the average adult, but not necessarily for children or persons experiencing medical problems.

Additional posts on Healing and Meditation:
My favorite Meditation for Self-Healing by Yogi Bhajan
Breathing exercise to overcome all of your physical shortcomings
Also try Bliss Meditation
Meditation to receive Universal Love
Please also try my Heart-opening Exercise/Visualization
Upside-Down Relaxation Yoga Pose - Forget counting sheep. This pose will relax your body and mind, and the best part is that you can do it in bed! Ease your way into dreamland with Legs Up the Wall Pose

Hot foot baths - in the East, a hot foot bath is a traditional remedy; it draws blood from the brain to calm a racing mind. Try soaking your feet in a hot foot bath with a cupful of Epsom salts and a few drops of lavender essential oil, which will soothe you. Your feet absorb the magnesium from the Epsom salts and relax you further.
Toe wiggling - lie on your back and wiggle your toes up and down 12 times; do both feet at the same time. Your entire body relaxes. According to the science of Reflexology, your feet are a kind of master control panel for the rest of your body. "Meridians" in the body - those channels of energy treated by acupuncture - end up in the feet. So, the end of those meridians in your feet connect with every organ and every part of your entire body.
Listening to an audio book - the brain works like a tape player - with one main auditory loop that processes words. If you fill that loop with an interesting book, there's no room for your own worrisome internal narrative. Especially helpful for those who have continuous thoughts running through their heads. (In my own experience I discovered that if the book is very good, you might get the opposite effect)
Qigong for Sleep
"Lifting the Sky" - Helps to relax and sleep
Chinese Qigong to Promote Sleep
Qigong for Insomnia
1. Sit on the edge of the bed, rub your hands together briskly to warm them, close your eyes, then place your hands over your back at waist level. Focus on the kidneys, massaging in a circular motion, going up on the outside, in towards the spine, down, and around to your sides. Massage both kidneys simultaneously, 24 times. Then change direction and massage the kidneys 24 times, circling in the other direction.
2. Keep your hands over your back at waist level, covering the kidneys. As you inhale lift the hands away slightly from the back and imagine divine healing light coming down from the heavens and filling the kidneys completely. As you exhale and press your hands gently over the kidney area, imagine the kidneys absorbing the light. Do 36 breath cycles (one inhalation and exhalation is one cycle).
3. After completing 3 sets of the previous steps, place the right hand on the navel and the left hand on your back at the same height as the front hand. Focus on gathering chi into your lower dantien, which is in the belly area. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the lower dantien is considered to be an energy storage centre of the body.
4. Next, women place the left foot on the right knee and the left hand on the belly area. Men place the right foot on the left knee with the right hand on the belly area. With your other hand gently massage the Bubbling Well Point on the bottom of your foot 100 times clockwise and then 100 times counterclockwise.
5. Do this slowly. Allow the mind to connect the lower dantien in the belly to the bottom of the foot, and then to move energy from the lower dantien to the bottom of the foot.
By Tara Stiles
- Short Meditation
Sit up in bed comfortably, either with your legs folded or straight in front of you; whatever you can do with the most ease. Sit up and lean slightly back on your pillows or backboard. Close your eyes and rest your hands on your thighs and just breathe here for a few minutes. This doesn't have to be a serious meditation but just a short while to do nothing but breathe. - Seated Twists
Stay in your seated position and twist around to the back of your bed. If you have a backboard you can grab onto that to help your twist. Breathe into the twist for a few breaths and then try the other side. - Easy Forward Bend
Keep your seated position and gently bend forward at your hips and let your hands stretch out straight in front of you on the bed. This will feel good in your hips and your whole back. - Legs Extended Forward Bend Flat Back
Slowly start to straighten your legs in front of you. You can keep your knees bent slightly since we are working towards sleep here instead of the power yoga move of the day. Reach towards your feet with your knees bent and keep your back flat. Bend your knees as much as you need to keep your back flat. This is a really nice hamstring stretch. - Legs Extended Forward Bend Round Back
Keep your legs extended out in front of you and round your back gently over your legs. This is a nice stretch along your spine. - Lying Down Knee to Chest
Roll back down on your back and rest your head on your pillow. Bring one knee into your chest and grab your shin to pull it closer to you. Breathe here for a few breaths. This lengthens your extended leg and loosens up your hip. Switch legs and do the other side.
You can also do a Knee Hug by hugging both knees into your chest and rocking slowly side to side on your back. - Hamstring Stretch
Extend your leg straight up to the ceiling. Grab behind your knee or closer to your ankle. Keep the leg straight and slowly start to bring it closer to your head on each exhale. Try the other side. Remember to stay gentle with these stretches--almost like you are half-doing them. This will help you drop any tension left in your body before bed. - Half Happy Baby
Bend your knee again and flex your foot to face the ceiling. Grab the outside of your foot with the same arm as foot and bend your knee towards your armpit. You can also do this with both feet at the same time. - Bend Knee Lying Down Twist
Bend your knee back into your chest and twist your leg across your body. Turn your head in the opposite direction and bring your arms out to a T shape. Make sure to do the other side. - Star Shape Twist
Extend your leg that is twisted over and reach with that foot out to the diagonal. Reach with your opposite hand to the opposite diagonal. Look towards your hand. This is a really nice twist. Try the other side. - Knee Hug
Hug both knees into your chest and rock slowly side to side on your back. Let your whole back relax into your bed. - Savasana
You're almost there. Extend both legs out straight into a savasana position. Rest here for a while. If you prefer to sleep in this position then you're all set and have a great sleep.
Qi Gong for Deep Sleep DVD
Nidra, Ayurveda Sleeping Aid - Rest, Relax and Dream
Jigsaw Magnesium w/SRT - Premium, Organic
Worlds Most Extraordinary Qigong Techniques - Ebook
Qigong For Happiness, Health And Vitality - Ebook
Set Of Videos Teaching Qi Gong for Health
Binaural Beats For Meditation, Weight Loss, Healing and more - Free Sample
Get Your "Black Belt" In Taboo Physics - Plus - Free Energy Secrets, Renewable
Qigong, The Secret of Youth: Da Mo's Muscle/Tendon Changing and Marrow/Brain Washing Classics
Frontier Thyme Leaf Certified Organic, 16 Ounce Bag
Foundational Practices to Awaken Chi Energy
Chinese Esoteric Art of Health and Longevity
Taoist Meditation and Longevity Techniques
A Taoist Guide to Longevity
The Shaolin Qigong Workout For Longevity
Qigong Meditation: Small Circulation
Livelight ~ Yoga and Meditation Music
Wuji Qigong Meditation
Spring Forest Qigong - Small Universe - Meditation
Three Treasures Qigong Healing Meditation
Qigong Meditation: Embryonic Breathing
Qi Gong for Deep Sleep DVD
Nidra, Ayurveda Sleeping Aid - Rest, Relax and Dream
Jigsaw Magnesium w/SRT - Premium, Organic
Worlds Most Extraordinary Qigong Techniques - Ebook
Qigong For Happiness, Health And Vitality - Ebook
Set Of Videos Teaching Qi Gong for Health
Binaural Beats For Meditation, Weight Loss, Healing and more - Free Sample
Get Your "Black Belt" In Taboo Physics - Plus - Free Energy Secrets, Renewable
Qigong, The Secret of Youth: Da Mo's Muscle/Tendon Changing and Marrow/Brain Washing Classics
Frontier Thyme Leaf Certified Organic, 16 Ounce Bag
Foundational Practices to Awaken Chi Energy
Chinese Esoteric Art of Health and Longevity
Taoist Meditation and Longevity Techniques
A Taoist Guide to Longevity
The Shaolin Qigong Workout For Longevity
Tips for healthy Digestion:
Books and DVDs on Qigong:Qigong Meditation: Small Circulation
Livelight ~ Yoga and Meditation Music
Wuji Qigong Meditation
Spring Forest Qigong - Small Universe - Meditation
Three Treasures Qigong Healing Meditation
Qigong Meditation: Embryonic Breathing
Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained!
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