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Blood Pressure Control with Acupressure, Qigong, Meditations and Healing Sounds

Deficient Kidney Yin and Excess Liver Yang Imbalance

In the case of a hypertensive patient, the heart is impacted as a result of an imbalance of Deficient Kidney Yin and Excess Liver Yang. The hypertension manifests from excessive stress and over-thinking, which lead to the Deficient Kidney. As a result the patient craves salty foods. The salty diet creates a rennin imbalance in the kidney, which gives rise to the Deficient Kidney. When the body experiences emotional tension, adrenaline is released, heart rate speeds up, blood vessels then narrow and blood pressure increases. With the consumption of a fat-laden diet, the Liver organ is overburdened, a build-up of plaque occurs, blood vessel electricity is reduced, and the patient experiences high blood pressure.

If the Kidney Yin is Deficient, it fails to properly nourish the Liver Yin and thus leads to the hyperactive Liver Yang. In addition to hypertension, the patient also manifests feelings of fullness in the head, daydreaming headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia and dysphoria with feverish sensations in the chest.

In this post I will discuss alternative holistic suggestions for blood pressure control like Acupressure, Qigong, Meditations, Healing Sounds and Food Ideas.

Medical Qigong Treatment

A Doctor of Medical Qigong treats hypertension with a sequence of techniques to purge and cleanse the Excess Liver Yin energy. Next, Qi emission is directed to tonify the insufficient Kidney Yin energy. It is important to open and lead the stagnant unprocessed emotions to the patients lower Dantian while rooting their Qi. Short inhalation breaths and long exhalation breaths facilitate this process, as well as showing the patient an image that they are floating in warm, calm water pouring down over their head, torso, extremities and feet. The Qigong Doctor then completes the treatment by regulating the Yin and Yang energies into a balanced state.

The Qigong Doctor may prescribe self-therapy via meditations, toning specific resonating sounds into the organs, and Qigong exercises. 

Good Qigong exercises to practice is "Pulling down heavens" or "Pressing Up to the Heavens with Two Hands". I have a detailed description of this "Pressing Up to the Heavens" exercise in my post - 8 Exercises for Fitness, Healing, and Longevity - Part 1


Also Standing Qigong (Zhan Zhuang) is a great practice to reduce stress. I have detailed explanation of this practice in posts below:

Standing Qigong produced superior results

Pulling Down Heavens

  • Stand with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, feet facing forward and parallel to each other. 
  • Bend your knees slightly so that you can achieve a firm yet comfortable stance. You should still be able to look down as see your feet past your knees if you are doing this correctly. 
  • Tilt the pelvis forward to lengthen and flatten the spine. 
  • Allow the arms to hang loosely at your sides, palms facing inward. There should be a small space (chicken egg-sized) in your armpits. Relax the shoulders and let them sink downward. Make the chest concave in shape and relaxed (opposite of “military stance” with the chest pushed out). 
  • Imagine that you head is suspended from on high by a thread. Tilt the chin toward the chest to further lengthen the spine. Close the mouth and lightly place the tip of the tongue at the upper palate where it meets the teeth.
  • Breathe through the nose. Use abdominal breathing, allowing the lower abdomen to expand with inhalation and contract with exhalation. Breath deeply at a rate that feels comfortable (the slower, the better). Close your eyes or keep them only slightly open with a gaze not fixed on anything specific. 
  • Take another inhalation and with the palms facing the ground, raise your arms upwards at your sides and imagine that you are pulling golden-yellow Earth Qi into your palms and into your body. 
  • Continue inhaling and when your arms reach shoulder level, turn the palms upward, now gathering white light Heavenly Qi and pulling it into your palms and your body. 
  • Once your hands are at their peak above your head, conclude the inhalation and turn the palms again to face the top of your head. 
  • As you begin to exhale, allow the hands to float downward and direct the golden Earth and white Heavenly Qi into the top of your head. 
  • As you continue to exhale, direct the Qi into all the parts of you body as your hands float downward in a continuous motion, palms facing your body or facing the ground. 
  • Allow the hands to come to rest just above the knees at your sides and end the exhalation. 
  • Repeat 5 to 9 times. This qigong exercise can be performed by anyone, anywhere. A standing posture is preferable but it can easily be accomplished while sitting as well. Feel free to give it a try today.

      Qigong involves the use of certain sounds that are believed to promote healing in different organs. According to Deborah Davis, author of "Women's Qigong for Health and Longevity," the healing sounds related to the kidney and liver can help regulate blood pressure.


      Davis recommends practicing the healing sounds six times for each organ. As you intone the sound, extend the exhale to promote the release of toxins from the body. The kidney healing sound is pronounced "chu-ay." Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder width, knees slightly bent. As you inhale, place your palms on your lower back and draw them upward, warming the area around the kidneys. Exhale and move your palms back down. Repeat three times. On the fourth time, squat as you exhale and intone the sound "chu-ay." Circle your arms out in front of you at chest level. Holding the arms at heart level allows blood and qi to flow freely in the chest, helping to regulate heart function. At the end of your exhalation, stand up and relax your arms by your side. Repeat the entire sequence three to six times.


      The exercise for the liver healing sound also involves holding the arms at chest level. The liver healing sound is "shuu," pronounced "shoe." As you exhale, hold the "sh" sound, adding "uu" at the end of the exhalation. As you stand, place the backs of your hands together, fingertips pointing downward. Bend your elbows so your hands line up with your lower abdomen. Inhale, then exhale and draw your hands upward toward your chest. Continue raising your arms upward, then open them outward and stretch them to the side, palms up. Lift your face and chest to the sky. Circle your arms forward, this time with palms upward. Fold your arms and fists inward, squeezing the air out of your chest. Release your arms and open your fists, turning your forearms and palms to the ground. The entire movement should be performed on the exhalation as you voice the healing sound. Inhale, pressing down, and return your hands to the starting position. Repeat a total of six times.


      Davis also recommends an exercise called bear stretching to strengthen the heart and reduce blood pressure. 

      Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly and comfortably bent. 
      Inhale, bringing your fists to your waist, palm side up. 
      As you exhale, lower into a squat and punch your arms out to the sides. 
      On your next inhale, bring your fists back to your waist while remaining in a squat. 
      Finally, exhale and you stand up, punching your fists forward at chin level to form a "V." Complete the full cycle eight times.

      It's very important in treatment of Blood Pressure to Increase your oxygen intake.

      I cannot stress this enough. It is a known fact we cannot survive more than a few minutes without oxygen. Without sufficient oxygen our cells — particularly brain cells begin to die. 

      One way to increase our oxygen intake is to get plenty of fresh air. In China, millions of people practice Qigong in the parks every morning at the crack of dawn. Running water and fresh vegetation are excellent primary sources for negative ions that clean and freshen the air. That is why we enjoy practicing Qigong out in nature, particularly near running water, such as rivers, streams, brooks and waterfalls, and near fresh dense vegetation, such as in parks, forests and jungles.

      That is also the reason we avoid exercising outside on windy days or just before it's going to rain. Such times are when the air is dense with positive ions that create "bad chi" and stress-related illnesses.


      On such days, practice Qigong indoors with an ion generator in the room. A negative ion generator creates negative ions, attracting dust particles and contaminants in the air and filtering them out, making the air smell fresh and clean, just like after a recent thunderstorm. It also clears the air of positive ions, which are contraindicative to good health, creating ill humor and irritability, leading to hypertension and other stress-related illnesses.

      Finally, practice Qigong/Yogic breathing. All Qigong exercises are accompanied by 
      diaphragmatic breathing, which increases the efficiency of oxygen consumption and circulation in the blood.

      The easiest and most common method is diaphragmatic breathing. Also inappropriately dubbed "belly breathing," diaphragmatic breathing expands the lungs to its fullest capacity by pulling down the membranous diaphragm located just below the rib cage, separating the thoracic cavity and the abdomen.

      To practice diaphragmatic breathing, imagine filling up your belly with air as you inhale: your abdomen expands, pulling down the diaphragm and allowing your lungs to expand and fill up with life-giving oxygen. As you exhale, imagine a balloon deflating: let your belly collapse as you breathe out. Practice this purposefully until it becomes natural and automatic.

      Diaphragmatic breathing will increase your oxygen intake up to ten times more efficiently, enabling you to breathe more slowly and more deeply, because more oxygen is getting into your system.

      More oxygen in the blood means more energy, more efficient organ function and less stress. Your body secretes less stress-producing cortisol — too much of this hormone can lead to anxiety, depression, hypertension and other stress-related diseases.

      Here are some great Breathing exercises and Meditations:

      Lungs Qigong - Lungs and Heaven connection
      Controlled Breathing and Five-Finger Exercise
      Qigong Breathing and Qigong for Relaxation
      Breathing Meditation to Balance your Emotions
      My favorite Meditation for Self-Healing by Yogi Bhajan
      Breathing exercise to overcome all of your physical shortcomings
      Also try Bliss Meditation
      Meditation to receive Universal Love
      Chinese Exercises and Herbs to ease Depression

      That's it — fresh air, negative ions and yogic breathing to promote increased oxygen intake.

      It’s been found that up to 90% of people with clinical high blood pressure or heart disease actually breathe opposite to the recommended deep abdominal breath method. This ‘reverse’ breathing can put strain on your system and cause constriction of the blood vessels, so it’s a good idea to develop the habit of abdominal breathing, instead.

      Stagnant Energy Melting Meditation

      The following qigong meditation is easy to do and is quite effective at calming your nervous system and helping to lower your blood pressure. 

      Sit in a relaxed posture, with your spine aligned and elongated. 
      Imagine the feeling of warm water or slightly cool water pouring down over your head, upper torso, arms, mid and lower torso, legs, and feet. As the water flows down, feel that it takes with it all the tension and excess heat from your body. 
      When the water reaches your feet, let it continue downward, flowing into the earth. You can do this exercise a few times throughout the day, for 36 breaths each session.

      Stimulating the Bubbling Well Point
      The next exercise is also easy. It has the effect of bringing upward-rising energy down, as well as tonifying the meridian that is in charge of your life energy. In a seated position, repeatedly rub the sole of each foot, specifically the area between the arch and the ball of your foot aka Kidney 1 or The Bubbling Well Point. Rub towards the toes. Do about 100 to 400 vigorous rubs per foot. This may sound like a lot of repetitions, but once you’re in the habit of doing this wonderful exercise you won’t ever regret the time taken. 
      The Key to Longevity - The kidneys

      And don’t forget to walk. Walking has the ability to lower your blood pressure if done consistently. 

      You can try QIGONG WALK to increase Qi (vital energy) quickly

      There is a very effective meridian point to regulate blood pressure, called Nei Guan.

      The point is on the inside of the forearm near the wrist. You can find this point by holding the first three fingers of your opposite hand against the crease where the wrist bends. The width of these three fingers away from where the wrist bends is where the point lies in the center of the inside of the arm. The point is on the same place on both arms and you can use either side. Hold the point gently as you breathe slowly and evenly. You may recognize this as the same point that helps with nausea. The point works by improving energy circulation around the heart area. Use this point several times throughout the day, always using a very light touch on the point.
      Massage Technique:

      • Use your left thumb to press on the right Nei Guan acupoint, with the thumbnail placed laterally to the two tendons, press 20 times. Then, knead in circular motion for 2 minutes. Repeat with the right thumb in the left Nei Guan acupoint, 2 times daily.

      • You can also wear a wristband with a bump that will press into Nei Guan acupoint when positioned properly. You should feel soreness, numbness or expanded stimulated feeling towards the middle finger or to the elbow when stimulating the Nei Guan acupoint.

      The following foods help eliminate cardiovascular problems like hypertension by removing mucus and stagnant Qi and blood, directing cooling yin fluids to the liver, and detoxifying the system. 

      Add moderate and satisfying amounts of any of the foods listed below into your diet. You may mix them together or alternate between items, eating them 4-6 times per week. Legumes: Mung beans and their sprouts, aduki bean, tempeh, and most other legumes such as peas, beans, and lentils. 
      Buckwheat (not if wind problems). Rutin in buckwheat strengthens arterial walls. 

      Vegetables and fruits: Pungent foods - radish, horseradish, hot peppers, and the onion family (garlic, onion, leek, scallion, shallot, chive), leafy greens, cabbage, spinach, carrot greens, mint leaf, nasturtium leaf, dandelion greens, kale, wheat and barley greens, broccoli, kohlrabi, parsley, asparagus, bell pepper, rose hip, tomato, citrus, celery, banana, persimmon, seaweeds (esp. Arame, Kombu/Kelp, Nori, Irish Moss), chlorella, cucumber, and mushrooms. 

      Other foods that disperse stagnation: Turmeric, vinegar (do not use if you have deficient digestive fire: watery stools, pale, swollen, wet tongue, and feeling cold), basil, rosemary, nutmeg, sweet rice (not if deficient digestive fire), spearmint, peach seed, eggplant, white pepper.

      Try In-bed Health-preserving Morning Massage

      More Exercises and Tips for Energy Flow(Qi) Cultivation:


      Tips for healthy Digestion:

      Affiliate Lights


      American Cancer Society: Qigong"International Journal of Neuroscience"; Effects of Qigong on Blood Pressure, High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Other Lipid Levels in Essential Hypertension Patients; MS Lee et al.; July 2004

      1. Larkey L, Jahnke R, Etnier J, Gonzalez J. Meditative movement as a category of exercise: Implications for research. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2009;6:230–238. [PubMed]
      2. The Healing Promise of Qi: Creating Extraordinary Wellness Through Qigong and Tai Chi

      3. Lee MS, Pittler MH, Guo R, Ernst E. Qigong for hypertension: A systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Journal of Hypertension. 2007;25:1525–32. [PubMed]
      4. Lee MS, Pittler MH, Taylor-Piliae RE, Ernst E. Tai chi for cardiovascular disease and its risk factors: A systematic review. Journal of Hypertension. 2007;25:1974–5. [PubMed]
      5. Cheng T. Tai chi: The Chinese ancient wisdom of an ideal exercise for cardiac patients. International Journal of Cardiology. 2006;117:293–295. [PubMed]
      6. Lee MS, Chen KW, Sancier KM, Ernst E. Qigong for cancer treatment: A systematic review of controlled clinical trials. Acta Oncol. 2007;46:717–22. [PubMed]
      7. Lee MS, Pittler MH, Ernst E. Is tai chi an effective adjunct in cancer care? A systematic review of controlled clinical trials. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2007;15:597–601. [PubMed]
      8. Mansky P, Sannes T, Wallerstedt D, et al. Tai chi chuan: Mind-body practice or exercise intervention? studying the benefit for cancer survivors. Integrative Cancer Therapies. 2006;5:192–201.[PubMed]
      9. Lee MS, Pittler MH, Ernst E. Tai chi for rheumatoid arthritis: Systematic review. Rheumatology.2007;46:1648–51. [PubMed]
      10. Taylor-Piliae RE, Haskell WL. Tai chi exercise and stroke rehabilitation. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation. 2007;14:9–22. [PubMed]


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        A VIN decoder: What is it?

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        1.Type of engine

        2.Model of a vehicle

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        4.The number of drivers in this vehicle

        You will be able to locate the car, and keeping in mind the code ensures your safety. The code can be viewed in the online database. The VIN is situated on various parts of the car to make it harder for thieves to steal, such as the first person's seat on the floor, the frame (often in trucks and SUVs), the spar, and other areas.

        What if the VIN is intentionally harmed?

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        The VIN decoder may help to save your car from theft. But where can you check the car reality? This is why we exist– VIN decoders!

      13. 87DBB8564ABradleyC6E68CA26DDecember 29, 2024 at 11:33 AM

        ucuz takipçi


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