Acupressure i s an ancient Chinese healing method that involves putting pressure with the fingers or the hand on certain points of the body. The pressure can unblock the flow of Qi to release tension and restore inner harmony. The great thing about acupressure is it is something you can do on your own to promote health, relieve stress and prevent disease. Your ear lobes are energetically linked to your brain. When you massage the right ear lobe it stimulates the left brain and pituitary gland. When you massage the left ear lobe, it stimulates the right brain and pineal gland, giving you a whole brain experience. Ear massage triggers the release of the body’s natural painkillers, endorphins. Studies have demonstrated that Ear massage increases levels of endorphins in both the blood and cerebrospinal fluid The ear contains more than two hundred pressure points that influence different areas of the body and the psyche. Based on the belief that a microcosm ...
This page is designed to provide the information on a variety of Healing methods including Bengston Method, Qigong, Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Nutrition and any other spiritual / energy healings. I will share my experience and I would love for you to share any experience you had with Healers or any self healing methods. This is merely an opinion blog. I am not a doctor nor do I claim to have any formal medical background.